We ran by the quarry down the road when we got it loaded and we were sitting at about 7900 lbs on the trailer so it was a little heavy .
[ATTACH] We got a small load of year and a half cut pecan today. My dad in the picture. He’s 5’4” for comparison.
There was some magnolia in that pile but this isn’t magnolia.
Need help with this one. Cuts super easy and throws nice sized flakes from the saw. Has kind of a bitterish smell. [ATTACH]
I’ve burned plenty of hedge…. In brush piles. That’s as far as I’ll go with it. Won’t cut it if I can avoid it. Don’t split well. Burns extremely...
This is just processing ground. Will be moved to different location in a few days.
[ATTACH] 3 face cords from the big red oak score. Still have a lot to go!!
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Finally got all the limb wood cut today. Tomorrow we start on the trunk. Hopefully the rain holds out!
881 is the biggest saw stihl makes. 121 CC’s. It’s massive! I’m in south central Oklahoma. About an hour and a half southeast of OKC.
I have a buddy that owns a tree service that’s gonna let me borrow his stihl ms881 with the 60 inch bar on it to take the trunk down. I’m pretty...
You bring buZZsaw BRAD and the saw and I’ll throw a couple pork butts on the smoker with some pecan and hickory wood to flavor them!!
I’d talk to the tree company. From my experience they will most likely let you have all you want of it.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Making progress on this elephant of a tree! Still at least 3 loads of limb wood to haul out before tackling...
Cut a face cord for the home owner[ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Photo op with the saw in place. This is just one limb that fell away from the tree!
I’m guessing 3 cords at least. Pictures do it no justice.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] We cut this monster off of the same property 2 years ago.
I’ll see if I can get some staged photos with the saw included. Most likely all cuts will be made with my husqvarna 455 rancher or my husqvarna...
Reds are fairly common in this area. Not as common as white oak or post oak but fairly common. Just a guess but I’d say I cut about 40% red oak,...