Your URL has spaces in it, might be the issue.
T.Jeff Veal thanks much for your info and pics! If you could answer any of this, it's sure appreciated... I would like to ask... What kind of...
I have so many sweetgums on my land, I want to thin some. Would be nice if it could be used as firewood. I have looked into this before but...
That is pitiful! Some people just should never get around a chainsaw, I know that for a fact. For the sake of human welfare and trees it's a...
Couple of days ago, two tornadoes here. Soon as my phone warning signal hit, I peeped outside my door and holy cow, the huge trees around my house...
It was worth it. What a shame to fell a big dogwood like that. I treat dogwoods like gold, lol. I *never* cut them down; they fall on their own....
Found an Oregon 511a for sale for $100, is that a good deal?
Whose place is this? Is it a farm? With all the people there/coming and nothing to do but cut wood, you could go through a lot, what do you do...
Good score! Boards are always good! I thought of you, Brad, this morning. Lost out on a Stihl ms261 with case and three chains for $350. I thought...
How awesome!
The subject tree in the OP def appears to be elm. Looking back at the original pics, those young leaves sure threw me! Now that leaves on all...
I noticed that bullseye round and wondered if it's common, that is super cool. Nice ATV for sure. Ah, Colorado, worked in Vail for six months...
Great pics! I am jealous of all that ash but sad to hear of their plight. Welcome!
I found some sycamore one time and let it sit a few months and then split it and it split pretty easy. It burned fine in a fire pit.
What's the scoop on that grill? I've never seen one like it.
WSN, just curious, I can't tell, did the tree twist with felling cuts (such as a notch and back cut) or did you just cut it straight through on an...
Do you think that could be for his own use? Wonder how many cords that is. I can't tell if it's single row. If so, I'd guess 12 cords if it's...
Oh, wow, now I see what you mean, lol. I am not where the saw is anymore, will have to check it whenever I am, which could be awhile. Maybe my...
Beautiful wood, wish we had it here more, I rarely ever see one.
Ok, I'm confused about this heartwood talk, lol. Do you mean you would make splits around the heartwood and keep only it? What's the scoop on...