I bought a new one from TSC and it was over full of hydro and had some loose bolts from store assembly. Pin hole leak in the upper weld on the...
360 is light years ahead of a 290/390. If you run one of these you will forget about that series all together. I ordered a top end for it and will...
I've had about 10 of these. This one is the nicest, and probably best running one I've owned. I'll get better pics tomorrow, just using what I had...
Stihl MS360 PRO I purchased in a lot, not running. Looked like it had been straight gassed, I cleaned up cylinder and purchased an aftermarket...
10mm 044. Opened it up to find this. Never saw one with a 2 piece crank lol. I'm going to keep the tank, the carb, and top end. I see good tanks...
Those 241s definitely have a cult like following from certain people. I bought one new, sold it and wanted another so I found another new one...
It was a pleasure meeting you Ron! Hope to see you at a gtg in the future buddy.
34/70. Mostly cherry and a little ash and maple. Will always love my cherry smoke!
I would only use for hogging and rough out on larger ports, but this thing is a fire breathing dragon. It will remove a lot of material in a...
That definitely isnt the norm lol. Those 580s are great machines.
Cant stand them. Nothing wrong with them, I'm just used to NH and I like cat also. They are definitely tried and true though.
Make sure you run one with Case controls, Cat, and NH. Case makes a fine machine but I wouldnt give you a nickle for one... and I had a 420 a...
There is no better buy/ value on the market than the New Holland 160 170 175 185, or the LX series. Not knocking Bobcats but their resale vs value...
I sell big trucks for a living (I use FB some for that), and avoid marketplace like the plague when I can. It's great exposure but an absolute...
Make offers guys, I want to move this outside of ebay.
Guys over think a good woods port BIG TIME. You dont need 200 psi, you dont need finger ports and you dont need to move a lot of metal.......
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Great compression, nice survivor. Power head only, new air filter and tune. Hasn't been used much in years, may need a...
That stuff right there is the best you'll ever use. Not because of the price either lol. I've never seen a tackier bar and chain oil.
I thought I posted an ad instead of just copying my marketplace ad, looks like I didnt post one at all. It was $4800obo.