44F lower 30s at night. Cherry, Ash, Oak mix. House has been a little warmer than I want it to be, so I open the windows and heat the outside a...
Jonsered 630 (ran when parked, hasnt been ran in a couple years). Nice shape, good compression. $225 plus ship Jonsered 490 Nice saw, havent used...
My 9-5 is sales related. Its crossed my mind to buy 20 cords from this guy and resell in the winter, but I feel weird about doing that, and wont...
Tonight is a good example of why I dont jump the gun, point fingers, make assumptions... Guy messaged me and told me he had another load for me, I...
That idea ran through my head, but idk. Youd have to meet this guy and see his setup.
Absolutley. I have a process. Its methodical. Its important for me to know how much I have going into the year, and how much I consume. Never any...
That chain is pretty common. If you dont like the safety bumper, people have been know to flex the chain at that rivet and a bench grinder will...
I'd sell 2 for 450. Hes still considerably less, even at half the amount. I never buy wood, felt dirty doing it too. For what he advertised,...
I told him yesterday I wanted a load for my in laws and he could bring another here next week. He will message me mid week asking me when I want...
That's where I'm at. I could see 1.75 but not 1.
You nailed it, marketing hype. Mine is a "20 ton" and has laughed at anything I've ever thrown at it.
Local guy on FB was selling 2 cords of firewood for..... $150 delivered. Yes, you read that correct. I pride myself in cutting all of the 7-8...
Stihl MS192T $225 OBO plus ship. Runs oils and cuts. Bar and chain included. Stihl 026 red lever $300 OBO plus ship. Minty. Nicest one Ive had...
Ive been looking at them. Either going to try one, or that logging chain with the poke on it.
Not completely what I wanted to hear, but why I posted. Thank you for the feedback.
I was just looking at this exact setup. I think I might go this route.
Not concerned about the price, would rather just buy the right ones the first time. May buy them and buy a bigger set too. Wanted to make sure the...
Hey hoarders. What is your recommendation on tongs? Most of the wood I cut is 18" and below, preference to the stuff that is 12" if I'm being...
One of the first trees I cut down, split, and stacked was aspen. I could not believe how light it was, even after 6 months of drying. A piece that...
Thats a cheap bar, grab another one. Im all for fixing replaceable things, but that tip is smoked. It happens, especially on small cheap bars....