Amen. :cheers:
:rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
At 7:30 of the video I do check the fresh split face. I explained that you shouldn’t go by just the end grain in the video. With all due respect,...
What did I do wrong?
I also have an 18 year old and a 14 year old. Baby has same mother as the 14 year old, long story, lol. I definitely wish I could have done some...
I started doing side work to offset my wife staying home with the baby for the foreseeable future. Having her home with him means a lot to me. I...
I have a SuperSplitter, but every once in awhile I like to bring out the Sotz and whack the crap out of a log. [MEDIA] I also did a video about...
Most definetly. If you are getting red flags before you've even started, it's only gonna get worse.
I'd like it to be utilitarian, but they want it just for fun. Used.
My teenage daughter and wife have both wanted a 4 wheeler for a long time to zip around on. I've never owned a 4 wheeler and couldn't talk them...
I've definitely noticed more squirrels gathering nuts this fall, and more Woolly caterpillars than years past. Yesterday I counted 6 squirrels in...
One cone lasted a total of about 90 seconds until it was out. I'd say it had a good flame for 45-60 seconds.
I'm sorry to hear about this terrible news. My condolences.
What species did you use? Mine are Eastern White Pine and they burn great.
Did you let them dry out really good? Any moisture and they’ll not perform that great. They should burn just like fatwood. Check out the last 90...
Anyone else use Pine cones to start fires? [MEDIA]
Could you go into more detail about what you're trying to change, and what type of business do you run? I can tell you in general, employees want...
A lot of the houses we framed needed Doug Fir rafters due to the long spans.
The main advantages of a kinetic are: I'm talking Supersplitter with my prices. The best kinetic available. The speed...which means production...
I'll be one of the ones to say just get a Supersplitter. You're going to most likely regret getting a cheaper knockoff. Show your wife the...