farmer steve, your dump trailer won't hook onto your tractor? Then you could unhook and load the trailer with big rounds using the bucket not...
There was a story about an older catholic lady that texted to her priest that his sermon was WTF (she thought it meant, well that's fine)....
This would be neat. [MEDIA]
That was the first thing I thought of when I saw that!!!
Men are from Mars Women are from Venus The rest of the genders are from Uranus
The rings in the pigs noses are bull rings. The center one had a shackle attached to it. Wonder if they were leading them.
As I understand Indiana law, the value of a tree is dependent on the owner's perception of value. Not talking logging for trees but if a neighbor...
My son in law and daughter pull all of their stands and go over them with a fine toothed comb. Son in law had a ladder stand collapse and they...
Jealous! Great sizes to handle. Can't help on the species though, sorry.
Yes, at first dad traded wood for money off their car repairs so it was delivered to our home. Later in jr. high mom and dad bought 60 acres to...
My wife walks with a cane. Outside she uses a ski pole. She took the cap off of it yesterday so the magnesium or whatever tip grips the ice....
You fellow Hoosiers, don't blink, those kids will be grown and gone! We have ice and snow here. Supposed to get more snow tonight into tomorrow.
Welcome highland_hunter !!!! Looks like a great splitter. Yes your back will thank you each time you use it.
When I started driving school bus about 18 years ago, I would make students go back in and get a coat on cold or bad weather days. Now not...
Great score. This next summer you'll need to take him a smoked brisket or something.
We all hate losing our stuff to people that help themselves to it. My HS students talk about this you tube guy Whistlin' Diesel (sp?) a lot....
I do not miss having firewood in the basement and other parts of the house.
The way I see it, you need to create a central beam that the pusher rides on, the box cutters on each side need to also be connected to this main...
I believe I would have needed a clean pair of underwear! Common problem? Is electrified wire a good deterrent?
Well that nighttime visitor would get your attention when you round the corner and encounter it!!!! Would a couple electric wires around the...