All locust final??????????
I thought for sure this was another April fools....
I use Alkalol..... Works well.
I would go penzeys too.
I have taken making my own to some extremes. I now grow peppers just for my chili powder .. (cascabel and poblanos.) But otherwise I follow...
BL is down early in the match ...and hedge is padding its lead.
Federal Artillery, Camp Carroll Baltimore, Maryland 1993 Full Plate Negative 3" ordinance rifle : (I'm on the far left...pre-beard.) [ATTACH]
Needed to make a little room in the freezer so I dug out my bags of veggies for stock. Only then realized I had no leftover bones. So I dug out...
Go apple!!
Apple is in need of some help here in the tourny ...
But.... Hedge smoked pork butt? Just doesn't sound good....
Worst 3 days ever !!!!
Morus rubra is in for a fight.
Pull pork is really hard to mess up. I use it to learn any new smoker.
I have a feeling were going to be seeing a #12 seed make it to the great 8.
Thank you all for hanging around, [ATTACH] Now that we have you hooked, [ATTACH] With these beautiful punch lines, [ATTACH] Lets hope it...
And once I picked it up eye bolted...
I will be sure to File this one away for a long time.
I still kick myself for not locking in at .043, though I am sure the year is up and most are up around 7-9. It amazes me how many people don't...
.0598/kWh here in southern PA