I may till in any leftover leafgro from the tater bed, but this was some primo looking humus, no smell either. This was the chicken "yard", many...
Neighbor got a new chicken coupé, this was the dirt under his old one. Think I'll try some corn in this patch. [ATTACH]
Takes a little getting used to, but this is my go to boot knot now: http://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/ianknot.htm
Ash seems to pile up rather quick
I've seen this called an alpine knot.
Bowline is a wonderful knot that won't bind.
Sand would be a good sub if vermiculite is unobtainable.
Vermiculite would help too, But the peat does add organic matter.
We get mushroom dirt for about 20 a yard, and leaf gro for 34. Unloading is rather easy if you can get closer enough to the drop point, did 6...
Leaves high in tannin, such as oak, horseradish, and grape are great at keeping crisp, if you didn't want to use pickle crisp. I've never had luck...
I am easily getting that in the hoop house, its the lows I am not sure will be acceptable. I won't put summer crops out until memorial day weekend...
Trying to start pepper seeds in this...leftover 1" irrigation tubing from the wife's hula hoop project. [ATTACH]
Quite often the problem.
My flare ups have been pretty random, no association to meats, shellfish, etc. I have known some who would suffer every Thanksgiving, but said the...
Use, how is it to cook on? Differences between carbon and CI?
I get it in my ankles. I am able to normally derail a flare up if I have my colchicine. 1 pill does the trick, if it's a full blown attack 4 pills...
Efficiency at its finest, any pics? Sounds amazing!!
Does anyone have experience with carbon steel?