Yes in the ground buried in concrete.
Morning, Looking for a flagpole. Any ideas were to buy? I have my flag hanging on the house,but the burning bushes are getting bigger. Flag...
No pictures necessary :yes:
If I remember Eric VW has 1 also.
We received ours today. 1,200 a piece and 500 per gremlin. Now what happens since we are both still working? Tax man coming for us next year?
Business as usual here. :smoke: Looked at my coming paycheck. Even made a bonus.
$1.19 in Bloomfield,Wi. Not sure in Genoa City.
Mastador. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I say 1 thing negative. He barks at everything outside. Sometimes scares little...
[ATTACH] Chilly here tonight, but no snow......
They don't close around me. I have 2 to choose from.
We didn't get anything but some thunder. It was nice.
@ Here also. To bad I'm stuck at work.
[ATTACH] My youngest daughter knows the feeling :rofl: :lol:
I do not. But back to work tomorrow. We have not skipped a beat. Working at a Peterbilt dealership I don't expect us to shutdown.
Watching live pd.
Not sure what I did here. Got Floyd's picked up last month. We had a very mild winter with a lack of snow.