OK so, if you notice the shape of the rear of the pellet. The way it works is a slight press fit as it goes into the barrel. The lead is soft and...
Merry Christmas all I posted this on another site and got all sorts of replies how stupid I was to take home a homeless person. Only a few picked...
What a FUBAR TRIP. I Have Had Enough! I have had enough!!!! NEVER AGAIN WILL I HELP ANYONE AGAIN......EVER!! I like to think I’m kindhearted, a...
41 to -7
If you do a little digging, you’ll find that the 30 was actually a 3.4 they under rated it.
if you run the Craftsman model number it is a 3400, 56cc.
Looks different than the other one pm if it is what you want [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I have one in the shed, Craftsman branded. I will have to see which model it is. I have no use for it, IIRC it needs a fuel line. I will get a...
haven't been around much but I seen this on another site and thought you might like it. More than likely been posted already. Hope everyone is...
Wife new addition [ATTACH]
my latest acquisition [ATTACH]
Wife and I went car shopping. I played along because she always does the same thing. Thats too much money I am not paying that for a car, she will...
66 degrees any warmer wifey starts stripping off clothes
When I go on vacation I go off grid 100% unless I need directions or local info.
I have a Little Wonder vacuum. It sucks up and shreds everything in its path, leaves sticks even a pop can. I bought it used and the linkage for...
I have some of their stuff. Can not remember breaking anything offhand. Cutoff wheels are good, carbide saw blades have lasted usually hit a nail...