Very nice, I am going to start another one this fall at the new house. I am going to downsize the pizza oven to aid in preheat time. We are trying...
You need more truck. See my Sig.
I would polish it and lose all the paint, paint is maintenance
Looks like my scar from my quad bypass................no I am not getting a chainsaw tattoo
Doctors used them to help with childbirth Before you think too far, chainsaws were not as big then as they are now. The original chainsaw,...
LOL, I was just going to post what the heck is going on here. Glad all is fixed, I thought I had a computer issue. I do not post a lot anymore but...
Well I have to be honest here. My first thought was here is a solution to a problem that doesn't need fixing. Then after reading your second post...
I will try to get this thread back on track. I thought I opened the wrong one and had to go back and check the title. [ATTACH]
Winner right here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Looks pretty neat, seems to work well. I was not expecting $999 though.
So, IMO, using anything to coat the deck is an exercise in futility. Between the blade tip speed, the dust , dirt, etc. add in some moisture and...
Probably a stupid question but Do you sell off any of your beef?? I am in central Ohio and always looking for good beef. Last two people I dealt...
I did not watch it yet but wouldn't a solar generator actually be an inverter ??
one thought is to use the packs they sell for setting fence posts, 2 part foam probably be cheaper than buying "special" foam for coolers. Is the...
Could always get an x-y plotter table and go complete CNC on it. Set it and forget it came back and it is done.
yes that is the other one I guess. I thought I might be hallucinating when I didn't find it again and found the 24" one.
two suggestions on the sled, cover the sled part with a pice of laminate or remake the sled bottom using melamine board
well I was off a little just went back to verify 24" powermatic and it is up to $360