Unless the trunk has much thicker bark(one inch plus) this ain't the same stuff. I already have it split. Just did four quarters regardless of...
Eh, at least it's not balsa.. I had some weird wood a couple of years ago that had very thick bark but felt almost like it was balsa when...
Thanks for the feedback...I've had cotton wood before and I can't say it's awful in the stove... It lights up the secondaries really good.
Local recycling center has a strange policy about wood... It's posted that due to EAB u can't remove any from the pile but everyone does ......
Never split any or burned any. Friends dropped off some ash and basswood from their yard... Spring clean up underway. One wood shed is empty......
Nothing. 60's here.
How deep north in Minnesota are you? Surprised to see that you still have snow.
I'm glad at least a few folks have mentioned the cancer link. A guy who applied annually for his job is covered in tumors. We have some in the...
Too embarrassed. I looked exhausted too!
That's absolutely true. There's quite a few available on Craigslist for free and nearly every one of them needs several hundred dollars worth of...
There's more than a few examples of that. German cars in Germany. Chinese made iPhones. The
I will buy it for you.
Great score!
Do you have a lot in the area? It's not common here, but some one dumped some at the city dump a few years ago. I was dumbfounded when I realized...
OH. I was going with human duck head.
It didn't feel all that good... But after getting into it more and seeing how severe the structure was damaged transporting it nearly two decades...
I think if you can find one in week they will be down another 100 bucks. I might buy a Myriad for my garage at that price
Big score! A piano oak has been taken down in my yard! And it's all seasoned! Super dry. So dry that an 8 pound maul was all I needed. Burning...
Menards has two great deals on stoves this week ... If you are interested in adding a new stove ...these are pretty good deals DROLET MYRIAD...
What are you putting into this stove? Cotton dipped in gasoline?