Aw hell... Alabama. Just put an electric heat bulb in the fire place and call it a day! :D
Bah. Hitting the profile is too much effort. :rofl: :lol:
Been in many an A frame on skiing holidays... Is the entire volume open or did you fill in the A? I'd go as big as you can fit... Or demolish...
Can't say enough good things about the Drolet 1800i we put in... 5 years ago? Any way... Best 900 bucks we ever spent.
Ignore it till fall.
That's one of the most important things to remember... Also means more days cooking our asses off in spring summer and fall.
Proof that the weather is on the fritz again arrived a little while ago. Another snow storm after two weeks of pretty warm weather, including a...
That sounds painful. I will stick with the lube
Especially when you are trying jam it in there. Wherever that is.
Tried in vain today to split 6 large 16-20“dia x 20" chunk of twisted ash trunks. Even tried a maul and an 8 lb sledge and acorn... No dice....
Drolet Myriad... On sale at Menards for under 800, huge 3.4cubic foot firebox, great construction and a great company. Almost bought one for the...
90 in April. Wtf.
Same here.
And... Third spring today. Started the day at 24 degrees with a lot of snow on the ground. Now...its in the 50's and the snow is history .
Ash, now oak...
It's great firewood. Takes a while to get dry, but easily as good as Ash.
Winter arrived again today. Fourth winter of the season and 2nd of the last 7 days. It's been a strange winter. We started out good, then...
Same thing happened to me with an elm my neighbors took down. I said that I would take all the wood but they had to leave me manageable sizes....
Nope and nope. Well, it's not the same as the thick bark 'balsa' . The bass wood has darker bark and more undulating ridges
Splits like butter.