Oil goes in the small hole. Gas goes into the big one. It must be a variable ratio that arctic cat has engineered so it runs like mosquitoe...
Rock on, brother!
It switched here to snow about an hour ago but it is kind of a mix, and the snow that is accumulating is like a slush. At least it is white !
Where in the UP are you Dave? I should have went to the UP this weekend and did some snowmobiling and skiing.!
Twice in the last four years we have had water levels rise up north at the cabin severly- 6-10 feet, due to severe downpours. This is a three and...
Thanks! Unfortunately I think we're screwed due to climate change. Better start saving up for retirement in the mountains if I want regular snow...
Hawaii eh? I would love to see it some day. Doesn't the big island have a wet side, and a nearly arid almost desert side? Due to the height...
Trump administration is planning to give Alaska back to the Russians and clearly an Island surrounded by so much ocean can't be US territory...
Statewide rankings for average precipitation for 2018 through November, as compared to each January-to-November period since records began in...
The higher the number the more record the rainfall
I am normally on the side of the science, but as a winter sport enthusiast I get a bit depressed when we get mud. So, that said... I will be...