I love how they make huge buds that look like flowers, and then leaves pop out. I've never seen any other tree do this, although I suppose I...
Would be cool to see what type of hickory you've got in OK.
I got another load yesterday of the same wood shown in my original post. This time there were green needles attached to some of the logs. They...
I found the article that I mentioned if you or others are interested.
What part of Michigan are you in? Around here the beech don't mind growing in the shade of hickories and oak, but the do need to get some sun to...
I know. You can hardly even see the rings to count them. And it doesn't seem to shrink or check much when it dries. Around here, they grow...
Very nice! It is exceptionally hard and strong wood as you well know. I'd like to see what you end up doing with them. I've been drying some...
Basswood and hop hornbeam. Opposite extremes of the btu chart. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Pin cherry and beech. I'm always tempted to cut the beech for firewood, but I've only got a few of them, so they get a pass. [ATTACH]...
And a few of the oaks: white oak, swamp white oak, an exceptionally large red oak, and burr oak [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And...
Here's another interesting photo from my walk yesterday: a young black maple next to a young black maple / sugar maple hybrid. [ATTACH] Most...
It's definitely a hickory, and definitely not shag / shell / pig. Either mockernut or bitternut. Based on both the bark and leaves, I would say...
I sometimes tried to heirloom trees right at the base of the stump of the one I cut down. My theory is that as the roots of the dead tree slowly...
You know, I'm not sure if I've ever cut or burned mockernut. I don't usually cut down healthy hickories just for firewood. They are such slow...
That is crazy. I find that they sometimes drop big limbs in storms, but the limbs are always dead, since hickories kill off their lower branches...
Buttress roots, even on smaller trees, is good sign it's a hickory, as least in my moist lowland forest. A single straight trunk with no branches...
A tree service guy was so happy that I took about 15 cords of free logs from him lats week (mostly maple, oak, elm, and red pine) that he just...
Could be crab apple.
The only problem, with forest trees at least, is that all the leaves are at the very top! So get our your binoculars or fire up your drone if you...
I've seen some recent forum comments about ID'ing different types hickories. In lower Michigan we have 5: shagbark, shellback, pignut, bitternut,...