By double pallets do you mean two pallets wide? Or one on top of another? Wide stacks (like mine) are easy peasy. It's the tall skinny ones...
Don't you worry, I am extraordinarily careful. Did I tell you about the time I limbed an oak with a 40 foot extension ladder and a 61cc saw?...
Your second photo has a little of the diamond pattern that I sometimes see in what I think is mockernut. The bark is darker than what I see here,...
Not a hickory but another fun tree. This time an elm. A big dead ash fell on top of it, pinning it to the ground without snapping the trunk....
I found a cool double-trunk shagbark today. My theory on multiple-trunk hickories is that the tree suffered some sort of trauma and sprouted a...
Big is all relative, but it does look pretty tall. I've got my eye on this beech. It's not causing any problems, but I'm itching to cut and...
If it weren't dark out I'd get you that photo right now. Sun rises tomorrow morning at around 7:30 a.m. (stupid time change). So hang tight...
That's deep. The way I look at it: if the stack collapses on top of me and kills me, that would be an epic way to die. If is merely maims me,...
This one popped out of the splitter a few times when under full pressure of the ram. Kind of scary. I could have cut the round into split size...
Don't encourage me. I try so hard to act respectably.
There's a bit of an optical illusion. The posts were already in the ground and I didn't feel like moving them. They're not supporting the stack,...
I don't know where the snakes go in the winter. I see lots of them in my piles in the summer, but obviously not in the winter. I always find...
That's the fun part. Engineering the pile as I go like a giant jigsaw puzzle.
I've got to look at it for 4-5 years, and an unstacked mound of wood drives me nuts!
The same way the ancient egyptians built the pyramids, except I'm both the engineer and the slave labor. But seriously... I use the wood piles...
[MEDIA] Notice the nice clean burn from the well-seasoned white oak branches and bark. :D
I like this idea. I have been known for not-safe-for-children camp fires. Or burn-down-the-camp fires -- whatever you want to call them. Here's a...
I got some chuckles when I shared photos of this +/-8 cord pile in the fall of 2022. I'm happy to report that it hasn't fallen on top of me (yet)...
Pretty cat and a pretty stove. You've got to get him closer though if you want him roasted.
I read that the digger pine has 12" long pine cones? I've never seen such a thing. I'd like some of those as fire starters.