Barcroftb Almost the same saw / bar combo I've got then, except mine is not ported and I've got the Makita catalytic exhaust (EPA crap), which...
What powerhead do you have attached to that big TsuMura bar? Looks like my saw (above), but I have got a skip tooth chain on it right now. That...
That is disturbing. A few years ago I cut into a big dying white oak. Most of the canopy had died back and leaves were growing out of the trunk...
Found him in the stack the other day. It's the shedded skin of a cicada. I'm used to finding snake skins, but not bug skins. I thought it...
That looks like a depressed toad that got caught being up to no good.
This wasn't technically in the stack, but as I was splitting today this critter kept landing on me and on the splits. When it was flying it made...
If you had one in Michigan that lasted this long, that was one tough (or bad tasting) tree. I live right on the border of Wayne County and Monroe...
I thought you were going to show me a chainsaw with a mounted headlamp -- for when you get a 2 a.m. urge to buck some rounds.
I changed my mind and started processing the cottonwood today as well. I'd like to say it was light, dry, and smelled like lilacs, but the truth...
I figured I ought to show at least one piece of the Norway maple that caused me to accept this mess of cottonwood. (36" bar for scale). I cut this...
Could be. That's a tough way to go about it though. The bottom line is, if all your wood is very well seasoned, the heavier it is, the more heat...
Sounds like a book I would enjoy, so I just grabbed a copy. Thanks! [ATTACH]
Thank you for sharing this! He says elm should be denser when it grows fast, however, so many I'm imagining things. :) But I get your broader...
If cooler temperatures mean lower humidity, that might not be a bad thing as long as you get some sunshine.
I've tried to burn freshly cut ash just to see if it's possible, and it burned horribly in my stoves. So I get your point. But I'm not sure that...
I live in the county where EAB got started 22 years ago. It killed all white and green ash long ago, but my neighbor and I have kept two of his...
Big boy rounds. A few of those look gnarly and knotted. At least red oak isn't stringy. A splitter will either split it, cut through the knots,...
Whenever I hear the sound of chainsaws or big commercial wood chippers, I drive by to see what's going on. Twice I've scored huge loads of logs...
If you have a fairly straight and round piece of the dead siberian elm and a moisture meter, we can do the btu calculation using the dimensions...
I cut small and medium size (6-12" diameter trunk) standing dead red elm from my forest. It is super hard, heavy, and dense. Every bit as much...