Here is a silver maple in my woods that gave up on life during a thunderstorm last fall. Just a normal storm, nothing crazy. The trunk that...
The reason it had 7 trunks is almost certainly because the original trunk snapped in half in a storm, and all of the sprouts that grew out of the...
Around here they grow like weeds, get huge fast, and die young, either from disease or from snapping in half during storms. The only trees that I...
I split mostly with an axe (3 different axes, wedges, and sledge hammers, to be precise) for 5 years. Then I slipped a disc / pinched a nerve in...
Absolutely. Silver maple is the perfect firewood for October, November, April, and May -- at least in my climate. With minimal effort I'll...
You're right about that. I live along side 40 acres of mostly oak and hickory which hasn't been logged in at least 150 years, if ever. The tree...
Nasty weather today, but I couldn't help bucking up a few logs. The cutting doesn't get any easier than straight, clean, mid-size soft maple....
It's hard to turn down a load of straight, clean, 12" t0 20" diameter maple logs, even when you're 5 years ahead on firewood and the maple in...
We've all got the same number of hours in the day. You need to get your priorities straight. ;)
Thanks for the info on DED. Perhaps the root grafts thing explains why the one in my yard -- which is a good distance from any other elms -- is...
I think DED kills slippery, too, right? If not, something else has killed lots of mine. DED is weird. Unlike the emerald ash borer, which...
Dump the load behind her car...
I just read that American elm and red elm can create hybrids in nature, and red elm also naturally crosses with Siberian elm. Furthermore, elms...
Did my chores and then split it with a clean conscience. [ATTACH] I'll add it to the hoard. [ATTACH]
Yesterday my wife asked if I could take "one day off" from firewood hoarding to help her with some stuff in the house. I agreed (reluctantly)....
I'll go with the consensus and agree it's American elm. I still think it smells too good to be American elm, but maybe after smelling stinky...
Free white oak, delivered, and cut to length? Did you ask him if next time he'd mind splitting it before dropping it off?
Right. What I always remember is "if it's rough, it's slippery" (referring to the leaves).
I should have mentioned, this was before I had a power splitter, and all I had was a battery powered 36v Makita chainsaw. :) So I was out there...
Standing dead elm got me through my first two seasons of burning, before I learned the art of firewood hoarding. I was also fortunate to have...