As far as I can tell, the only way chocolate or nutella will kill a mouse is if it is used as bait in a snap (kill) trap.
Post a link to those facts! And you too. Post a link to those facts and I'll quit being PARANOID as you say!
Paranoid? No! I'm just extremely cautious. And really, I think the DEAD mice from the test show evidence that I do need to be cautious. Sorry,...
If some of y'all remember a while back my mentioning giving a new neighbor a firewood rack, a 6th of a cord of prime 4 year mostly oak firewood to...
Very Nice!
I really like that idea! :thumbs:
I'm sure there are quite a few coyote hunters around. Add to it I recently heard there is a $100 bounty for each one. Really, I need to do this...
No offense taken. I only keep firearms around for self protection as well as to put a wider assortment of meat on the table. And for large wild...
I tend to keep a third of a cord inside the house and another cord on the porch in 2 racks. one 10 feet long and the other 14 feet long. I don't...
They do seem to be keeping the deer away, that's a fact, and I haven't seen any actual damage they may have done. But if they ate my neighbors...
Trapping would be out of the question since there are a lot of local dogs that traverse my property (12-15). So there would be a good chance one...
Sounds like a coyote had some little snacks. I really don't think a hawk could take out a cat unless it was just a kitten. A full grown cat could...
And little dogs too!
Where I'm at the temperatures tend to fluctuate quite a bit. Over this last weekend the low was 2 to 5 degrees, and the high was 12 to 14 degrees...
I have two coyote, possibly more, hanging out in this area and I'm trying to figure out a way to ultimately dispatch them. But there is a...
I guess I was so caught up in the heat of the night that I spaced taking a pic.............of the fabled N/S load while umm, yep! :emb:
After reading a good portion of this thread, I decided to give the N/S way of loading a stove a try. It was 10 degrees out with moderate winds at...
I won't know until I go up to the spring head with an altimeter to determine the actual elevation. Even then, the only measurement in the end that...
Initially that's what I thought but many years ago I discovered the opposite to be true instead. You can use Google search "Why is caffeine used...
To paint the whole picture, I also have a spring that feeds into my property. A dual chamber Spring box is already in place that is approximately...