But beware of rats, they love Nutella too! [MEDIA]
The reason the glass is likely smoked up is because your fire(s) are to cool or your damping it down too soon. Do not damp the stove all the way...
Actually I tend to enjoy your posts, videos, and point of view. My slight was in no way directed towards you, I can take a joke as well as the...
Actually, I would wonder how people would feel if they were the ones being commented about, including malicious comments, snide remarks, and...
The Nutella reference as well as the reference to mice came from this thread: No good deed goes unpunished! Really! And the sweets craving...
More like this at about the 30 second mark: [MEDIA]
I can't say I'm a good investor either, but when it came time to put my nest egg to work for me, I invested in a variable annuity with a...
The best lure for beaver is beaver castor. Sweets of any kind would not attract them. Castoreum - Wikipedia
You really need to get rid of the beaver to help prevent future damage.
The Conibear 280 works well too, but I wouldn't go any smaller than that. These traps are awesome kill traps, but you do need to be careful with...
Maybe so, but other animals might like a sweet treat, especially with chocolate. That's why I am careful as to the type of bait I use.
Y'all didn't ask!:rofl: :lol:
I know a couple ladies that are almost that big and have never had boob jobs done. Look at Dolly Parton. I understand she used to have to...
I won't capture any until I go into town for supplies. But there are two I have my eye on. One is getting into some fertilizer (Holly-Tone) and...
Even in real life, you'd find I have a sense of humor, so beware, if we should ever meet, be prepared to laugh!
I heard if you eat flies they make the eater more well endowed. (men below the waste, and women above) I bet this lady ate one heck of a lot of...
What, no Feed Thong reference? We really need pictures of that one!
I heard that cap is supposed to keep the voices in your head from talking to the gooberment or aliens. Or was it to keep the gooberment and aliens...
Here's a picture of a mouse after it ate copious amounts of tainted nutella fudge: [ATTACH] And here's a picture of a cat that ate the mouse after...