Heck I even burn large Honeysuckle.
I really like the Green Lantern trees as yard trees. I've got three. Very attractive. As far as firewood?
I like your wood ash. Best tomatoes I ever grew last year in wood ash from wood stove and composted wood chips. Plus amended each hole with a...
If I close mine all the way, it will smother the fire quickly. Definitely open on reloads.
Hang in there Buddy. We are all thinking of you.
I need a 29 gallon tall. I'll still look at Petco though.
You gotta report back on which flavor wins.
Top Cover, off the ground, and its fine to store and burn. All oak gets boring.
The third picture definitely looks like a result of shutting the stove done to far to near smoldering and/or unseasoned wood. The stuff that I...
I've been looking, can't find here in Dayton or online . May have to go to Columbus. I really liked that Eclipse hood an filter system but as...
Anyone know where to get a new tall 30 gallon aquarium with filtration and light system? I've found the ones with a curved front but I just want a...
Good video. I went thru all the same analysis 7 years ago and went with a tube stove and had had great luck on maintenance, only replaced baffle...
Get well JUDY.
I've smoked a lot of turkeys on the Weber Smoky Joe and have never had a really great one turn out. I've tried the wet brining, dry brining, whole...
What time of year did you plant those Steve?
Wood peckers is not a good sign.
farmer steve AMAZING! Really nice.
Cherry is my favorite for ribs. Gives a great color.
Ah my favorite, Mulberry!!
a little "Pam" spay and it will look new