Customer service has really declined in most areas. I think a lot of it is the younger generation entering the work force. A lot of them have no...
I think mine was a Matrix 2000. Last year I burnt mostly cherry. This year is all oak. So I hope to get longer burn times this year.
What model is that? I installed an Osburn insert last year. I'm sure your gonna like it.
Skeeter, I always follow your cooks and look forward to seeing the pics. Do you some health issues I just don't BBQ like I used to. So I don't...
I have used them on an open fireplace that had a lot of shiny creosote on the flue. It did turn a lot of the creosote to a light ash that was not...
I've got several of them. Glad to know what they are. Those big leaves get your attention. Love that Avatar. Go Bucks.
The north side would be ok if your on the three year plan. Maybe put some air spaces between the rows. The overhang is nice in that you never have...
I love ribs on the Weber with cherry
Ya Arby's had no beef here yesterday
Just get it off the ground quickly.
Nice looking soil blocks. I'm trying soil blocks for the first time I this year.
Mitch Newton
I had my 021 in the shop for a new carb to be installed. Runs great now, but I noticed the chain tensioner screw was missing. Don't know if I lost...
My wife got me a soil block kit for X-Mas. I'm going to try using the soil blocks versus the seed trays this year. Hope to avoid having to...
Mulberry 1-8
Splitting rounds right out of the truck is the way to go.
Great tool. Will go thru the bed of a truck like butter.
Love'em. I got two for X-Mas also.
Actually I've thought about those and that's probably what I'll go with. The wife was hoping for more of a design.