Glad to have you on the site John 41FanForLife. :handshake: I would say nice to neet you but I already know you :D
Did eatonpcat happen to torpedo into your tent at the end of the night or did you help him to his!? :D:thumbs: He was looking VERY happy when I...
I would but I either know peoples names or handles not both. There were a few people there that I may have met them once or twice and can't...
Thanks Dave.
I would like to truly thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. The GTG was yet another success, great food, great friends and good stories...
Raffle list updated 6/8/23 8:56pm 1) Hand forged knife (SBK1980) FHC 2) Hand turned salad bowl with spoons and a hand turned rainbow poplar...
Raffle list updated 6/7/23 1) Hand forged knife (SBK1980) FHC 2) Hand turned salad bowl with spoons and a hand turned rainbow poplar rolling pin...
Food list updated 6/8/23 Coffee cake (Walt and Robin) FHC Goodies (WeldrDave) FHC. Snacks, cookies, chips, etc... Snacks (eatonpcat) FHC. Leg...
If you want to.
Anyone coming to the GTG please check into the main clubhouse with Rick and Sarah to let them know that you are there. Thank you. Also the road...
Yes there is electric there. You can even put itnin the outdoor kitchen to do it.
Food list updated 6/7/23 Coffee cake (Walt and Robin) FHC Goodies (WeldrDave) FHC. Snacks, cookies, chips, etc... Snacks (eatonpcat) FHC. Leg...
Thank you for your donation, I'll update the raffle list and you can bring whatever you want food wise. I'll just put you down for snacks.
I had to make another post to one of my previous one because it wouldn't let me edit it. I added some extra info. In case that you can't find...
Sounds good!
Just made up 3 quarts if sauce for the supper on Saturday. 1 quart of Memphis BBQ 1 quart of Apple BBQ 1 quart of mild ranch wing sauce Didn't...