Good morning. 5/28 & sunny. Another nice winter day :yes: great for working in the shop. Took us about two hours to get the water flowing...
True..... but you know I'd be complaining about the heat & humidity. :(
Good morning. -3/20 sunny with frozen water pipes. Shop work this morning, pipe thawing least it's not...
Good morning y'all. 7/17 with about 6" of snow. Shop work is the obvious choice for the day. Have a blessed day folks! Got cold enough I...
Good morning. 26/26 snow &Co. I'm supposed to go to town this morning to pick up our monthly grocery order, hopefully the snow waits till I get...
^^ Thanks We're slated for 6" to 16" of snow. Good morning everybody. 16/40 mostly sunny. Planning to go into town today...
Good morning. 26/32 and a tiny bit of snow. Church meeting and resting are the plans for today. Have a blessed Sunday folks! [ATTACH]
Good morning y'all. 44/53 rain &Co. Dairy run this morning, probably shop work thereafter. Have a blessed day folks! Another new arrival on...
. Good morning folks. [ATTACH] 22/44 clouds, mostly. Coffee's cooking. Planning to work in the shop this morning, maybe some outside stuff...
Afternoon all. 31/34 sloppy cold rain-like-substance. Working in the shop today. The kids were up late cutting meat last night, so a kinda...
Good morning. 33/37 with light rain. Shop work for me today. The kids have 3 hogs to process. Have a blessed day everybody!
Good morning. 21/44 sun, clouds, &Co. Planning to work in the shop this morning, then probably going to the town for a power meter socket for...
Good morning folks. 31/44 clouds and sun. Heading out to church shortly, only other plan is resting. Have a blessed Sunday!
Good morning. 57/51 drizzle. Shop work, then (if it ain't too rainy) I'm hoping to work on re decking a trailer.....I actually bought the lumber...
Good morning. 41/56 fog &Co. Shop work/outside stuff. The mechanic got the Chevy fixed, turns out both the master and slave cylinders were...
Good morning. 45/54 clouds. Shop work this morning. The mechanic got the clutch fixed, so gotta pick it up and pay the damages this...
. Good morning. [ATTACH] 51/75 sunny.....too warm for early Feb, imo. Shop work & hopefully some outside stuff later on. Last evening the...
Aw..... c'mon're ruining my childhood innocence.....:rofl: :lol:
Good morning. 42/52 cloudy. Planning to take the boys to work on my way to the dairy this's inconvenient being down to one...
Good morning. 40/54 cloudy....mostly. Shop work this morning. Afterwards, I gotta go pick up 10 new pullets, all our hens are getting too old...