Look hard at your local dealerships . Picking the right one will be more important than the saws that have been mentioned . If they all seem about...
If you want to check frequency , Amazon sells freq. meters . Some are less than 20 bucks .and they can be hardwired in so that you have a volt/Hz...
While you are checking voltage , check the frequency/rpm of the genset . Some times the governor doesn’t bring the engine up to speed all the way...
Okay! 40 bucks ,and a box of mini mac parts ....
I’ll hazard a guess . He’s just doing the standard “ .025 depth gauge setting fits all “ ,file job . Using a progressive gauge will give better...
Wise move to keep silent about that . :cool: Silence also is useful when heating case halves in the oven ,and using the dish washer as a parts...
I use Beeswax furniture polish . Removes a lot of grime , keeps the plastic looking good ,has a good finish .
I know that . You’re a stand up guy , I shoulda put in one of those smiley thingies . Humor is hard to express in typed words . That thing is...
Hey ! Careful , I have sensitive feels !
That’s actually the name . ATOP file guide . Sold by Bailey’s . [MEDIA] like I said , expensive ! So are the files .
The ATOP will teach you . But, it’s expensive ,and limited in a lot of ways . If I were to do it again , I’d buy ,or make a good chain vice , buy...
I was told by an overwhelming amount of members on another forum ( starts with an H )about 8 years ago ,that square will not work on hardwood ....
Mines set at 2800 . The pump will do more , the cylinders will handle it fine . The lines won’t . Besides , it’s rare I see more than 1200-1500...
Look at the side cutter . Right where the gullet has been started . Notice the reflected light . It’s showing a bit of metal from grinding the...
No, you need to use a file designed to file square chain . Also , don’t get hung up on going from outside corner to the inside corner of the...
[ATTACH] I use a fairly strong light to inspect my chains . If I see light reflected back at me ,like in your picture ,the chain is damaged ,and...
Finally got all the pieces in . So , I put her together today . Put about 300 in parts . But, that’s a bunch less than a new one . She runs well ....
My 390 does have the hole . None of the other IB clutch Huskies I own do .
The way I read the OP , was he was going to test the chain ,and needed 1640 drivers . I was just kinda hoping to see that bar !! :cool:
Logger chain is probably as reasonable as I’ve seen . But, the prices of chain have gone up a lot in the last year ,or so . Maybe type “ Oregon...