We have one Tesla Powerwall. At ~ around 12kWH it will cover the house needs for a short period. It doesn’t really/is not really intended to...
Indeed, my roof is 180 degrees south and only a tiny bit of shade only on the lowest sun angle days. Talke about spikes…you should see an EV...
I did not have a grapple for the JD, and I am already loving it on the Kubota after just a few hours of woods work. Kubota feels like a beast...
The plans are for 10 foot walls on a 1 foot concrete curb, with top and bottom sills will be nearly 12 feet of clearance at the edges. Using...
Worked with my buddy today nabbin some nests. This is the time of year to do it, although the weather can be a challenge, wind must be below 10...
This project stalled last year:(. The earth work contractor didn’t get to me until late fall and then it was too late for concrete, so for now we...
I think you’ll be pleased in a few weeks. Best day yet so far this year yesterday. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And at the risk of sounding like I’m...
:salute::thumbs: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
We’ve been 9 months since we upgraded our array from 22 to 32 panels, the South facing roof is out of space. Here’s our production in 22 and so...
There are similar groups throughout Maine. I have been volunteering with the Down East Wood Bank, it’s a good time, bunch of old guys just trying...
I have been busy doing lots of work in the woods developing the trails harvesting firewood along the way. Some pics from the work. I was also...
I like to be close to nature:) Yeah we’re down to three Hounds now:(
It’s new tractor day today!:dancer::emptywallet::rootintootin::emptywallet::banana::emptywallet: [ATTACH] Hound dog approved! [ATTACH] Got a...
I run my electric Supersplitter using the V2L (vehicle to load) capability of my EV, it works fine. Here’s a thread about it. Added a...
The Brown Tail Moth is an invasive, introduced to the US in the late 1800s. Until about the last decade it was pretty much limited to a few...
I did fly the drone a bit without the nabber attached and it was pretty easy. My buddy had to go through specific training to get a FAA license...
Maine has a huge Brown Tail Moth problem. Besides the damage to the trees, the caterpillars have hairs that when shed and come in contact with...
Trying to understand shear bolts. I have only ever needed/used shear bolts for a snowblower, which you buy as specifically designed bolts,...
So I set up a game camera to monitor activity on the new Dogwood, thinking deer might mess with it and caught this guy on camera the first night....
Oliver! We made the drive to the off-grid cabin deep in the woods of Mexico, Maine and picked up the mixed breed hound that would become part of...