Looks like we might be good till about 3 on Saturday. [ATTACH]
Just made some Peri Peri hot sauce from my cayennes. Will pack the plastic container in the right.[ATTACH]
Shindaiwa 575.[ATTACH]
Poulan 3450,3300. 038 mag hybrid.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
See my last post on this page. I'm stupid and cant copy paste the whole text on my phone. If I try to do it again here I'll mess it all up! Lol....
Count me in!!! Email on the way in a bit!
Thanks Steve! I appreciate the offer!!! I'm going to book a room in Dillsburg . It's just easier and the room is cheap. Also , I will pay the...
Gonna book the hotel room this evening. Will drive out Friday straight from work and try to meet up with my aunt and uncle for dinner. They...
Just finished this build last week. Poulan 3450,3300 038 Mag hybrid. The wood in the first vid was nasty hard oak. 2nd was pine - made nice...
Wanted 395 or 394 builder . Can be whole, blown up, in parts or whatever as long as it's a complete saw. The uglier the better. Lol. Thanks for...
Next time you go to Pawleys. Go a few miles farther south on route 17 for lunch at Hog Heaven ! 7-8 bucks for the buffet. Great fried chicken...
I must have deleted this vid by accident so will repost. Little saw big saw. [MEDIA]
Wow! You have a nice ramp patch there! Looks like they are still young but should be digable in a week or two. Dead predried wood is awesome!
Pic 1 and 4 - one side. Pic 2 and 3 - the other My phone camera was acting weird and kept turning photos.
Picked this up at an estate sale. I'm not sure if the stamping is something that someone did or brand mark. Thanks![ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
That's so cool. I saw my first pawpaw tree only few years ago after tracking down a almost hidden grove in a big Pittsburgh park. Eventually I...
I think I found a native in an overgrown lot in Myrtle. Got lucky in October when I was down there for a wedding. They were like pure sugar....
I planted 7 or 8 pawpaw's from seed a couple years ago at camp. They are only about 18 " tall right now. Many years till they will fruit. If...
They say there are native persimmons in PA. Out of curiosity and fun I was doing research a while on native PA fruit trees and northern tropical...