I like trucks and wood but not sure I could put wood in that? Congrats - send pics when it gets a bit dirty.
As a tree it’s not scarce around here - in fact I have a big one in my front yard. I expect what is scarce around here is “free Sugar Maple”. I...
I very rarely get any of this stuff. Drove by the local yard waste site yesterday and holy smokes, the whole lower trunk of a Silver Maple was...
Your a better man than me. For ANY productivity splitting I need to use both hands. Also, one handed I’d probably twist and/or break something...
So I did some measuring & calculating tonight... I’ve gone through 2.9 cords so far this year, granted, I’ll still burn to sometime in May but...
Dries quick - I get a lot of it around here. Recently 50/50 split between this and Ash. I’d rather have Ash but whatcha gonna do?
I hope you all know I was just having fun with that previous comment I made! I’ve been known to throw Pine in my stove from time to time - don’t...
Dude - You’re gonna burn your house down! o_O
I spied some primo straight grain big Ash rounds on the ground Saturday while driving the better half around ~ 10 miles from home. Went by the...
That’s a lot of wood - how many seasons of burning is that for you? I’ve got 17 cords which is ~4 years worth for me.
I got the Pfizer in January - slight arm soreness on 1st shot, body aches all over the day after the second shot - it passed quick. I already...
Went out Sunday afternoon and this evening for a bit and did some splitting by hand - felt good. Used a Fiskers Isocore for the bulk of the...
My mom had foot surgery and got one of those knee scooter things - they are GREAT. I went there for a visit (This was before covid) and was...
Hey Buzzsaw - think of the delivery mileage as “scopin out new scores”... I’d bet a fair amount that after the delivery you’d come home with a...
25 out now and that’s about as low as it’s forecast to go. 72 inside, stove full of Ash. Anyone want some snow?[ATTACH]
Yup - it’s happened to me - be very careful if you ever use the ash clean out door to - um - persuade your fire to start a bit faster... Don’t ask...
Not too cold here now - high 20’s. Them weather folks say we’re in for a big blow tonight into tomorrow with significant snow - guess we’ll see....
Yea - comes with the territory. I can store about a face cord in the stove room - so I have to make regular expeditions out to the shed for...
Yup - first case was in my late 20’s. OMG - the pain - big toe on my right foot. Nothin like it! I avg a flair up every 5-7 years....
Mrs. Gpsfool made a batch of Peanut Butter cookies this afternoon. I now have a tummy ache. It was totally worth it!