If you cut enough, its immediately noticeably the second the corners loose their perfect edge.
XS543xp? XS346? XS501p / 4910? Lol
If I find a nice representation of your first saw, I'll snag it. That one in the box full I aquired wasn't worth fixing unfortunately.
There's definitely more to it, for me, than the saw being the fastest. I like fast, but its not the be all / end all metric I use for liking /...
Maybe you subconsciously prefer the ergonomics, balance and weight of the 261? Or its more torquey power delivery? Both? I know where you are...
CBN wheel is what you want.
That Mrxlh mini has the zama too.
Tecomec Super Jolly. Its their best unit and cheaper than the equivalent Oregon, which Tecomec makes for them. Tecomec makes all Oregon grinders.
Easy fix. Nice.
They are snotty lil buggers too.
Me too. :handshake:
I like the mini mac saws. I've had several.
Thats the performance setting. :thumbs:
Another Craftsqvarna ready for the collector that keeps buying them from me. https://photos.app.goo.gl/3HmRQC29izJez8GQ9
Thank you. I have to power it with a little generator when out there, but its way quieter than any splitter I've been around. They make them much...
Well that pile is finished. The pile of scraps, noodles, bark and uglies are almost burnt up now too. https://photos.app.goo.gl/3usy9qA8Q9vEB6n69
Its a she and, lets just say, she's not approachable without it being confrontational. Thats as nicely as I can put it. Lol
Here is a few examples. They burn wet / unseasoned wood all the time. We ended up having to block off our fresh air intake on our furnace as it...