Got my confirmation my order is ready for pick up
No changes for us
If you google this Fall Tractor Supply Coupon: 25% off heating appliances and supplies for Neighbour's Club Members you can get a code for the...
Every bag of the green supremes I have scanned come up as lignetics and the address of colorado , here is a chart that shows which ones come from...
Oct - 1 Nov - 1 so far
Thanks everyone, been busy hunting and took a nice buck the day after my birthday.
PA. Archery [ATTACH] 8 point I took 10/30, grunted him in to 20 yds. Ran 40 yds. and dropped
Thanks all for the Birthday wishes
The Power Pellets seem to be the pellet at lowes around here this year.
Happy Birthday Sub
Fuses weaken over time so maybe it just hit it's breaking point and popped, If the stove is still working and not blowing fuses I wouldn't be...
What I have found in 3 yrs. of having my grill is that cooking pellets are alot like heating pellets quality wise, Some brands ignite easier then...
suffering with Achilles tendonitis for over 2 weeks now, Dr. gave me a cortisone shot that worked great for 3 days now I'm back to :pain: this...
Food grade pellets don't use additives,but some heating pellets do to help bind the pellets together. Alot of heating pellets are hardwood.
Ordered a back up igniter for the stove from Mountainview Sept. 25 , it shipped out and has been sitting in TN. for a week now. Fed - Ex sux...
The info I could find was from a few years ago and back then they were a blend.
member don2222 is in NH he should be able to fix you up.
Don't forget to nickel antiseize the motor shaft before reinstalling the fan. Before even firing up my stove from new I pulled the fan off and...