Normally I take it in stride, but these winters (and this has been a nice one so far) are getting old. I'm ready to go anywhere warmer that'll...
So, short sleepin' during -35C feels -47,48 or 50, depending where you look to keep the shack sorta warm and water lines running. Pulled a 3 hour...
Weather guessers off by a few it seems...-35C feels -46C. Having a hard time keeping the shack warm, as normally by now the skirting is banked...
Where the heck in MT are you that it's colder than my province of Sask above?
We're in it now, -32C feels -44C this morning. Slept almost 5 hours instead of getting up to feed the fire, and she's a tad chilly.
I found for myself, that cutting excess and crappy carbs was probably the easiest thing to do, while at the same time bumping protein and fat...
Winter is officially here. Sitting at -28C/-20F ballpark and then some wind (feels -35C) to make it even better. Woodstove and furnace tag team...
About every 4-6 weeks is perfect for my schedule:thumbs:
Another vote for damp newspaper and ash with paper towel for the final wipe. Truth be told, as time goes on I personally care less and less about...
Almost forgot, -20C/-4F currently. Pine chunks for breakfast. Tightened up my air plate and blocked a few secondary holes to simmer the reactor...
Seems that the polar vortex is gonna bless many in Canada...
It's been a relatively nice winter so far, but that's about to change. Sitting around -14C/7F so that's still way nicer than normal. Starting...
Not bad this morning, about -8C/17-ish F but looks like we'll drop back to somewhat normal frozen wasteland weather in about a week or so. Pine...
A nippy one here, was around -18C/0F overnight. Puppers came back with frosty beards after their morning tramping. Pine and more pine.
Still holding on to decent weather here, about -11C/12F this morning. Pine chunks heating the shack. Merry Christmas from us and the Chew Crew
Temps still holding pretty good here. Just below freezing atm and heading for -8C/17F overnight. Pine chunks in little Chernobyl
Good enough for me, that's for sure!
I burn pine pretty much exclusively these days without concern. As long as it's seasoned I don't really see the issue. I also have easy access to...
More wonky weather here, cooled off to -19C/-2F around midnight, and then proceeded to warm up ever since. Sitting at -8C/17F this morning and...
Truth is, I probably have rocks in my head for taking in the Chew Crew, but I can live with that. I've always had a soft spot for dogs, so if I'm...