Surprise - some of the dark pieces are walnut. Maybe I can get a few boards too.
I estimate 3.5 cords or so. The box on the truck was 4X8X16. I just told the guy I wanted 250 dollars worth. I have seen advertised prices in my...
Looks well built!
Just spent $250 for a delivery of logs from a local tree service company. Mostly ash with some maple, oak, hickory and beech. I have about 8 cords...
If you live in a city a good name would be Taxi
If you are using Edge then updates or lack of them could be the issue. Try downloading and using Firefox
My dog is named Ezekiel but we call him Zeke. How about Onnie. I think having a home is what he or she wants and will settle for anything you call...
Unwanted people suck especially thieves. I put cameras on my property during covid since I was getting packages and there were a lot of people...
According to a respected research institution in this country the average CEO in the US makes $5225000, Canada makes $3216000, and Europe...
I have replaced my pump twice in the last 35 years. The first time was to get rid of the jet pump and replace with a submersible. The jet had two...
There is always prejudice and judgements on both sides. In fact I have been working in a trade for most of my career (45 years) and only recently...
God bless all of our pups. The ones with us and the ones that have passed on.
I have a separate stack for just Poplar. I use it for kindling and shoulder season. Dries fast but the trick is to keep it off the ground and if...
Trust the facts not the beliefs. Just need to figure out what the facts are.
My wife and I have a Layla, my son has one too. They came in a box and are great. Purple gets good reviews too
Thanks for the idea - never thought of fish hooks.
I have a deer hide from a deer I shot 43 years ago. It was tanned and the hair was left on. It was a display piece on the back of a chair or lying...
I store wood between outside storage and inside the wood shed. Wood shed has openings on 3 sides and 2 doors. I load the wood from back to front...