I forgot to say why G100 . It was easier for me to pick up locally than G80 . The physical OD size of the links are smaller than G70 . That link...
The problem I have with G70 chain up here is the physical size of the links , the're too big to fit through the slides of both my winches (Igland...
When you do the math at 20$ a month for 10 years it's still pretty cheap lol I'd look at trenching a channel just wide enough so a man could spray .
Can you sprayfoam the floor from the crawlspace ?
We still have a healthy white tail deer population .
Rope and Cold trigger finger know what they've got !
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I enjoy every day I go out there , about a mile from home :)
And only 2 of us that have permission actively cut on this large plot of land . A hurricane blew through here years ago , it was mostly clearcut...
Thanks ! Here's the best part [IMG] I have a key to the gate :) The nice thing about the temps being around 20F and colder a fella is actually...
We had time for another load so we took down some dead standing within carryout distance . [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] We got that all hauled to to...
;) Last weekend was a big sky weekend :) Around 12F and not much wind so off to the woods we went ! Fired up the MF135 and hitched a free trailer...
Awesome mom !
I'm almost tempted to make a road trip to get a look at that thing but it would polly take me a couple of hours to get to the store so that I'd be...
A big congrats !!!! Like was said before , looking forwards to some vids :)
I have no issues with round wedges. They might be a bit more work to get out on a rehang but not really an issue .
I have one for every size of chain I run . I like them , worth the monies to me .
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Might be a small saw but it earns it's keep :)
The Norse has a hinged butt plate . Sure is nice when driving in the rough or over stumps . Less chance of making sparks with your chainsaw when...