I nominate you and campinspector for most scenic trip to the dentist on the entire planet :thumbs:
29/72 slowly burning through the stockpile of aspen.
We woke up to a couple inches of wet slop on the ground this morning. Warm at 34 heading to the mid 40s. Bigtooth aspen and mockernut hickory in...
Nice, that gives me some hope that I can salvage mine too. I may end up dying the plastics black on mine, since each component faded to a...
I was so enamored by how easy it was to work on my 61, so when it came time to buy a bigger 2 series the 288 was an obvious contender. From...
Seriously? Do you know if that’s just for the US imported ones or across the board?
I had a nagging feeling that I should just bite the bullet and pull the cylinder off. I go to put a 5mm allen key in and it doesn’t fit. 4 goes...
Let’s try version 2.0 Under no circumstances would I ever classify this as food :rofl: :lol: It made for interesting interactions when I brought...
I already had my CL ad out and made a couple deliveries last year when you referred that guy to me. I will say though, between last year’s sales...
This will keep you from getting porked... Free UPS and USPS shipping software | Pirate Ship
It's an open secret of sorts. I'll speak for myself but there's no way I could work as hard as Brad does making firewood just to sell it all. I...
eBay 288XP Lite that came in this past weekend. Giving her a quick cleaning and going through the basics. New fuel line on order, and OEM...
17/70 mulberry and ash with cherry on deck for the reload
Your annual April Fool's post came a little early this year, huh Brad? ;) That's an awesome arrangement. You can still scrounge whenever you get...
Same here. I kind of wished I waited to tap my trees. I only got about 3 gallons of sap out of 10 taps in my first couple days then winter came...
I must've worded things weird. I'm reusing the OEM cylinder and running a Meteor piston with Caber ring.
30/72 sassafras, mulberry and cherry
Hey dude, I caught you up on the couch again. Clean your fur off of it; I just used the lint roller on it yesterday. [ATTACH] Whatever dude [ATTACH]
29/72 cherry and tulip poplar
Thanks for sharing this. I love this part of winter. We’re still in the thick of the season but the days are noticeably longer. By mid March I’ll...