Nice work and a great looking stove. When it gets really cold, that is when you will really love the insert. Congrats!!!!!
Nice score!!!
Nice work Dave, it all adds up.....
Looking good my friend, fine work right there!!!:yes:
Nice one!!!! Some fine eating for someone....
20 degrees when I got up this morning, very heavy frost, house was still at 68. I through in 3 White Oak Splits after raking coals, 75 in house,...
Great looking saw, Congrats!!!!:yes:
Welcome to out firewood family!!!:cheers::campfire:
Great pics and nice work!!! :yes:
Looking good Dave!!!!:yes:
It is 23 and frosty this morning, house was at 67 when I got up. I through a couple Locust splits and a couple Cherry splits on hot coals from a...
Very nice saw, good luck!
Nice work, sounds like a good size score... :yes:
Fine looking work Dave!!! :yes:
Sitting at 27 degrees, clear with a heavy frost this morning. Loaded the stove about 9pm last night, still putting out some heat this morning....
Great pics and Welcome!!!!!:yes:
I run a Buck 261 wood stove, rated at 32,500 BTU's in about an 1100 sq ft single level house. It is an old farm house, but I have did quite a bit...
Nice work Dennis! :yes:
Welcome. :yes:
Beautiful young dog!!!!!!:yes: