That’s an AI overview, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet. There are not any rules or laws in Ohio that regulate the moisture...
Signs of a failing or failed cat would be less heat. The smoke outside would be gray or brown instead of white. The smoke coming out of the top of...
Ash in the front, pignut hickory in the back. Low going down to 7 tonight. Wind is howling. Fireview is running full steam.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
No tag soup for my co worker. Button buck out back. Nice blood trail. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Load of ash in the fireview. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Let the stove go out. Had been burning continuously for a couple weeks. Cleaned the cat and scoop. Even cleaned the viewing...
Yeah basically. Holding out on her.
Got another 3” of snow. For a total of 15” this week. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
how bout now? [ATTACH]
Kevin is a great guy and makes a mean saw! Make sure to at least pizz rev it tonight in the front yard if not anything else.
Come to think of it I didn’t die before I bought mine either. :rofl: :lol:
Renting one and using it for a weekend is something to consider. I don’t use mine all the time, but when I do it makes a number of tasks easier....
I sure hope it will have enough time to dry out. I may be cutting it close, I’m only 10 years ahead. Splits went from 15.75” to 18. I might have...
71/20 Low of 10 tonight. Load of ash in the fireview. I’m burning wood from 5 years ago when I had a smaller stove kinda a PIA. More current...
Snow action shots of Marie. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Her weapon of choice is the crossbow. She likes the crossbow for its versatility,...
71/20 load of ash in the Fireview. Low of 15 tonight. [ATTACH]