Load of hickory, non load bearing strap. The truck runs like it has 10,000 vortex’s under the hood. [ATTACH]
A couple hours north I cut some wood with a compatriot of mine. Spotted some mystery wood going down the road. Checked it out later and came back....
Bonfire starter.4 ash splits, barbed wired together, diesel fuel.
First time ice fishing today. Never been before. Caught 3 blue gills, buddy only got 2 and they were much smaller. 7” of ice. Fished in a shanty,...
MS290 and I think a Husqvarna 445 rancher. [ATTACH] Cut a load of hickory. I used the ms290. I have to say this saw is a dog. It had a semi...
39 and windy/ hot inside Ash and possibly maple in the absolute steel high style. At a friend's house. This stove is a beast, it comes up to my...
Thanks Brian, I ordered it on a whim when I was vacationing at my summer home in the Hamptons.
Yep, he has been drinking the tap water since his was a young one.
Cleaned the glass! Load of ash in the Fireview. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
“Dispatch, are they wearing Uggs or Crocs?” I like to bring this sort of energy to my real life job. Needless to say it is highly appreciated. lol.
Perfect weather to get rid of all this junk wood. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Decided to have a weenie roast this evening, with the nice weather we are having. Bonfirestarter. 4ish splits bind them with a piece of barbed...
Why would I be angry? I am wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. Too busy with tea and crumpets to be angry. :sir:
Brian you shop at Target. Get off my back.
Load of ash in the Fireview. Temps are back up. It felt like a heatwave outside today. Stove is keeping up just fine.[ATTACH]
Round file or square file?
Here is the whole process of me doing maintenance on my cat. Lift the lid, remove bolts. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I blow out the cat gently. Emphasis...
There isn’t “dealing” with a cat stove. They are simple, they cut down on wood consumption and maintenance takes very little time. They are no...