The unit I have was built in Ca. My Pops worked with this Co to design and set process for smoke restorations. Unfortunately my Dad is in...
I do the same for my small items, you are better off using glass or stainless containers for that. Plastic will absorb some of the sonic...
That 262 still running well Walt?
They are all built on the same chassis. The difference between 261 and 262 is 261 has a dished piston and a 2 shoe clutch compared to flat piston...
Got my 100yrd built. 300 will have a concrete top.[ATTACH]
Thanks Buddy.
:cheers: Thanks you.
I raffed.
Perfect, Id buy that saw...
Take cylinder off.:D
Words rarely ever make it from my noodle to my mouth in concise fashion Adam.:)
If you are unsure, bore cut the log leaving holding wood on top and bottom. Set wedges in bore. You can snip from the outside in to release.
Define “new”. Hi big Tim.
This ^ indeed.
Had to look that up, spent last weekend at a buddies camp in Elk state forest for bear.
Where is your camp Joe?
huskihl :D
Yes, I dig it.
Is your hearth black quartz?
Just twas not in the cards Tim.