Its 35F here this morning. I ran the stove full of white oak slab wood yesterday afternoon, then overnight. Got it too warm in the bedroom because...
a friend of my fathers moved up to Jackson, NH probably 15 years ago, so he was likely about 55ish. He really struggled to find a good paying job...
I was surprised to see flash flood warnings yesterday afternoon. I was hoping for a downpour, my pond could really need it. Probably similar ran...
Down Town there gets pretty busy in the summer. I can't imagine how bad it must be now that they are letting cruise ships in.
I think its crazy what people will pay for those bundles of wood, but even crazier is that my wife sells rounds that are 8-12" diameter and 6-12"...
Looks like a major PITA Brad. My thoughts on things like this both at work where I quote work for my guys, or in my personal side business is if...
mornin folks! Finally winding down on one hell of an explosive growth year with our family business. Between that, and even more responsibilities...
Same. I have a few neighbors that I help for free, and one that pays me, but she is a snowbird so I just hit it at the end of the storm, and is...
I never got out of my pajamas all day, which was my #1 goal. Another relaxing day on deck again. My only plans are I need to go to the store to...
I heard that the long haired freaky people were now being allowed, but I didnt realize that included Santa too!
Santa has a pony tail???
Turkey is in the oven, and I am still in pajamas. Just like I planned. We are having an ice storm, so I'm even more glad to not be going anywhere.
This is strange. I've been up for an hour in silence on Christmas morning. This might be the first time since I moved in with my wife that this...
I will have to try apple juice sometime. I thought about it yesterday.
I really like their Java's. I dont smoke very often, but that is my go to.
Horkn 's bird brine is cooling on the stove, and in a bit I need to suffer through getting my daughter out of the house for a few hours when I...
just threw back some Woodfords Reserve muscle relaxer.
glad you were able to find him! My dumbass is about 70lbs, and I have to use the thickest wire rope tie outs for dogs that are like three times...
theres a chance of snow on Christmas day here. Not sure about up your way. Been a long time since the last Christmas snow that I can remember....
about the same here. So glad I killed myself yesterday in anticipation of a decent amount of snow.