I would definitely stay away from anything with a CVT. Personally, I try and only chose the non 4 banger turbo engines as well. Too many more...
Not real slab wood, but in the past few years I started popping the sap wood and minimal heart wood off my oaks and locust when it has bark. I was...
I use a tape measure and pink sidewalk chalk (pink seems to show the best on all bark types) They can stay on me while Im cutting, so no getting lost.
No worries, Im a ninja! Good to hear from you too Brad. [IMG]
Embarrassed because I'm prepared? Hell no, I dont give a flying F what anyone thinks. Most of my neighbors have generators though. Hell, even the...
I have the cheap 2 hole Kreg jig, and I use it a lot. My only issue is that I need to double clamp it or one side will walk a bit and be too close...
I got one of the most powerful Echo's about 3-4 years ago. I have woods on 2.5 sides, so I just blow them into the tree line. I have no complaints...
I need to start throwing a saw in the truck when I go to visit my employees in CT. Its unreal how much you find Brad!
Im in the same boat this year. I've been burning all the crap stuff that I put in piles for the fire pit, and Ive been more selective of when I...
Thanks to a Massachusetts law that was passed a year or so ago, the price of eggs has skyrocketed. All the premium cage free companies raised...
Things have been tough for sure! This year is the first that my salary alone doesnt cover all our expenses. Luckily, the business that my wife...
I was cutting them with an 18" bar, so lots of rolling the trunk, and then rounds out of the way.
I had to deliver some parts to one of my techs house the other day. He lives back against the highway across from Bishop Guertin. I drove past...
Definitely a workout! I have some massive oak rounds to process at a friends house. about 28" at the butt. It sucks just rolling them around.
When I first started building our mud kitchens, we used as much recycled material as we could. Mostly pallets. Eventually, we got too busy to keep...
damm, thats a big picture. For reference, those are 3' tall boulders on the right side of the pit. Its HUGE.
last night we had the first fire in the fire pit in a long time that wasnt just for burning wood trash. Nice enjoyable night. [IMG]
Absolutely. I just wish that insurance wasnt so damm expensive. That is my #1 expense holding me back from making the jump.
Thanks to the Covid lockdown, and the loss of two of my biggest accounts, I ended up making a move from a home based salesman to taking over the...