Just thought I would post something here in case you guys thought I was doin' nutt'n but growing a gut while cooped up all day with my pantry. Not...
Looks like you just increased your property value MikeInMa . I'm going to guess a cord and 1/2 to 2 full cords depending on how tight you stack haha.
Yep, I place Catalpa somewhere between Sassafras and Balsa.
Great documentation! My eyes were feasting on M2theB 's saws feasting on those logs. The carnage shot looks like you had a storm with hail the...
MikeInMa - Those logs look so pretty lined up!... It reminds me of a beautiful cake when no one wants to cut into it. Oh well, man's gotta do what...
That's just perfect MikeInMa ! It's as if Amazon prime delivered wood!....Free wood!!!!
It's so in the middle of so many possibilities. -Cedar I can see in the end grain, but I think you would recognize the smell -The bark and general...
Actually not plenty, but a few good days worth of processing work. Then as you might remember my yard is a mess from wood score byproduct and...
Nice Mulberry score Midwinter! looks solid and straight, but you even took more catalpa which is good you don't discriminate haha I'm writing...
Catalpa and Black locust in same load..."A Tale of Two Trunks"
Nothing like a zombie wood score, especially when its oak! Heartwood still seems pretty saturated, but as Midwinter said it should dry a bit...
You know the slogan here..."no pictures....it didn't happen" I guess we'll take your word for it this one time haha! That is a nice grid layout of...
Looks splendid! Did they cut them to stove size or was that you?
Yes totally stress free and easy...Maybe I should go back for the rest? I mean it doesn't look like it will survive with a wound like that haha! :saw:
Now isn't that a little honey... I spotted this little wind victim the other day while out and about, but didn't have time to scoop it up then....
This is starting to look like a Midwinter post haha! Great perseverance with the end result being an enviable stack of firewood. :salute:
You know I was going to say that, with that greenish color, but not being there in person I took your word. It has that tell tale sapwood as well...
As they say, "variety is the spice of life"
It must've been dryer than I thought, that said easy splitting cherry is a great score!
My favorite smelling wood is elm, not sure exactly the variety because not all elms smell like what I would call a sort of sweet spiced spanish...