I checked out that link buZZsaw BRAD and that first pick shows a picture of 2 different halved species sitting on a third species of possibly ash....
It's interesting because Midwinter was just talking about possibly having a catalpa tree bucked and delivered to her property so this may shed...
Haha ..Some elm will split with pretty straight grain but it always has those tell tale herringbone or saw tooth flecks in the grain that radiate...
That looks suspiciously like catalpa to me BuZZsaw. Is it light and easily dented?
I'm not surprised that you have another handsome stack developing. I've gotten used to your aesthetically pleasing wood seasoning. That's a...
Hey MikeInMa sorry for all the likes you just got, I went even further back to mid March and held back on hitting likes even though I wanted to. I...
This has been a crazy year for wind. Frankly I'm tired of it, but you may get that oak after all since the wind storms have been relentless. Too...
Wow you got it!! Lots of wood there and pretty big so this will be a car hoarding return and repeat for a while. Nice and dry too so it's ready...
Nice Midwinter ! Always good to get oak scores big or small. I hope you get answered and given a shot at that fallen tree ..Oak/elm? Anyway one...
Crisp corners on them there Stacks....looks as if you used a level and a plum-bob. Nice presentation Buzzaw!
Gorgeous big wood Brad! One thing I rarely see around my parts is hickory. When I do It always seems to be in dense growth woods where it grows...
I checked out that Locust Post buZZsaw BRAD , wow you are killing it! Your neatly stacked pile of black locust gold reminds me of Fort Knox. You...
Mike is that you??? I don't know whether to keep 6 ft away or run for my life! haha
So I finally got out of my chair/teachers desk today to brave the outdoors and visit a site I had my eye on for a few years. I always put it off...
Will do buZZsaw BRAD... If I remember correctly there was some black locust there. I will take pictures for ya'll to drool over so don't look at...
SHORT ANSWER: A little Yard work, but not out hunting.... thanks for asking! LONG ANSWER: I'm admittedly a little burnt out from getting...
Wow, very nice post buZZsaw BRAD .. lots of eye candy and that load in the pickup looks so freakin beautiful!! It should come with a sign......
Fred Flintstone wants his car wheels back
Yes, I have been staying in much more as well, but when out I do notice proportionally more police mixed in the reduced civilian traffic now....
Well I think if I find a good quiet spot no one will bother me and I would have no problem going about my standard scrounging behaviors. That...