mrfancyplants Nice looking pile. I would say it's just shy of a face cord. great for two small trunk loads especially a Corolla! If that new...
I don't think you could've fit another splinter in that car Midwinter ! Sorry about the sledge, thank goodness it happened at the end. Is it me or...
Bark doesnt look right to me for Honey L.
One silver maple, one oak probably red oak, hard to tell with the wet intensifying color. That is my guesses
You almost have a pickaroon in that last photo Brad! Glad your maul found it and not the saw.
Locust mania is actually a thing Buzzsaw, but not acquired from collecting of the often difficult, smelly and tough as nails wood. It's not even a...
No...skunks and groundhogs is where I draw the line! ...and Squirrels, ..mice, wasps, tomato plant army worms also got to go..and birds...
So what's your plan if you never get Covid and then wind up with too much inventory? You saw what happened with the price of fuel. See?....Bet...
Headed for the "uglies" section of your yard? I always like having an oddities pile, (still hoping to find a free "uglies" cage one day). I like...
Oh my goodness! As a car hoarder in a densely populated location I often deal with the small stuff like fallen branches so I know how tedious it...
Sorry to see that damage to those trees, didn't know porcupines did that. We don't have them here at least in city limits. Beech is my favorite...
Well I saw those knots and was unsure if they would make a dramatic difference since I haven't really split big catalpa diameters, just small...
Congratulations! A few knots, but nicely cut to size. I think they'll split nicely. You've reached the zen level when people start to see you...
Excellent points Molly. I'm also just closing in on being mortgage free and if I wanted I could just pay off the rest now. Doesn't pay though...
Yeah MikeInMa I hear you. We will have to continue to hoard separately yet together on this site I suppose...Oh and thanks for hypothetically...
You would would go on a hoarding trip with me Midwinter ? I would be thrilled! I can see you've been a busy beaver with that ash. Looks like you...
So just thought I would post something lite here. As some of you know on here already I had a house sold next door to mine where there is now...
Wow, Just wow. ok and wow!
Hey MikeInMa nice work, I think you'll be able to split those elms since they are not very large diameter. That said looking at the bark I think...
Ok buZZsaw BRAD be honest, you're contemplating making this a career right? You must be! Soon you will have too much inventory and will need to...