Ok I was busy this weekend and didn't do much in the way of firewood, but now I'm a bit upset at all of you for going on making tremendous...
Wait, I think I see the ash in the background of that suburban yard... so that must've been the craigslist score and the birch is from Mwalsh9152...
Wow that is some payload of black birch you crammed in your car! Also some beautiful black ash! I gotta say there's a lots of healthy tree...
Haha ..almost forgot about the oak cannon! Wonder where it is today? Yeah. I think you are an honorary member of CHTA, but I've been watching you...
T.Jeff Veal You guys may need to name your operation "the Oak-ie Dokie Ranch". Looks like you have a great source for quality oak! Interesting...
Guess they figured they should do something with all those restaurants leftover crab boil...throw some yeast in it and see what happens lol!!!
In Maryland anything that isn't dusted with a healthy layer of Old Bay Spice, people just aren't going to be interested
Funny, I like these! [IMG]
Hey if the Grand Dame of this thread has no issues regarding the legitimacy of the post in question then I say we move this to a unanimous...
Wow... people will do anything to be associated with the prestigious car hoarding thread!.... even post old pictures that could be doctored or...
Smells like spoiled vomit if that makes any sense
I had 5 parents visit, which is about average for an inner city school. Most records are posted on line now so students and parens can see the...
Haha, the thought crossed my mind, but I was happy just to get solid clean grain for a change, plus we were on a real schedule and Im sure the...
Black locust must be the flavor of the week! I was in Long Island this past weekend visiting family when I wasn't paying attention and misses an...
I like to have at least a double stack, not for drying purposes though. Single stacks for me seem more prone to collapse. I have a crazy property...
Yep Cash Larue ya beat me too it. I kept scrolling down and saw you finally called it. Where I am this tree is everywhere growing wild and its...
Yes as Midwinter said, the saw is good for cutting in public places where you don't want to bring attention to yourself. Unfortunately for me,...
Nice Marshel54 ! Those boxes and even the name look old school. T.Jeff Veal I went to Krispy Creme once here while on a lunch break in Jersey...
Yes Molly, better to stay with the powder coated types today. Thanks for the suggestion on the edible coffee bars. If this is where you're getting...