Also, you look at the Teton pics and it looks miles away from anything. But everywhere above the rim is miles and miles of irrigated barley,...
Also in the second to last pic it is a little hazy from an active forest fire.
All these locations are different. As much as 3 hours away from each other. I will say they tried to dam the canyon of the Teton river but the dam...
Just got back from Idaho and thought I would share some photos. First creek in a beautiful box canyon. [ATTACH] Three day, 2 night trip in the...
It isn't perfect. It is a bit finicky on starting procedure but once you figure it out it is fine. Are you still coming back to Va. for the field...
I had been looking for a used gas powered drill for the business. Everyone around here wanted at least $300 for one. I told Gary and he found a BT...
Update, no love on the auctioneer finding the lot. They called the buyers of the lots closest to ours. In case they got confused and picked up our...
Maul, sledge, ax, hatchet, log jack, 36" crowbar, 36" bolt cutters in one lot for $30. My GF bid on the lot for me and when she went in the back...
Hope she hadn't changed the insurance coverage as well.
I have an aluminum Grumman at the pond. A 17' royalex Mowhawk in the barn. I also have a 12' sit on top manta ray fishing kayak. And hardly any...
I really wanted to go to the GTG. But I realized towards the end of April that it wasn't going to happen and then it started raining and the...
Almost paid for, last payment is in August.
Been working everyday for the last few months. Finally have some breathing room and moved some wood around this morning. [ATTACH][ATTACH] Got a...
Oops, Welcome glad you finally jumped in!
The 461 has a lot of legacy parts from the 046/460. The oiler is one such part. My 046 has never had a problem oiling a 28" bar. Or you could mod...
Power went out a little while ago. Windy here guess a tree? Outage map is showing 1100 without power so they should get it kind of soon.
Sent them an email. They are in Garden Grove, California.
Little better that the leaves are off the trees but the sodden ground doesn't help. Is that ladder stand for practice or what? I would just...
It is as wet as I can remember. Slop everywhere. Under a tornado warning right now. This is outside my shop door. On top of a hill. [ATTACH]
The Bing 49 is a super smooth running carb and was well worth the time and patience waiting on the international shipping to rebuild if you have...