The 400 isn’t FI.
Sadly I won’t have time until tomorrow after work.
Just got the call.
Ive got the cash squared away in my wallet just in case I need to swing by after work one day. Just waiting for the call.
I dont have it yet. I guess they got a little giddy.
Gotta factor in kerf width. It’s a curse.
For me, the table isn't just about getting logs off the ground, it also used as a cutting guide. Logs, smaller branches can be loaded onto the...
Well, neither is the 881 and I know they have had one go through the door.
Its not up on Stihl USA yet... So I would be surprised if it showed up at a dealer.
I think I saw somewhere that MSRP will be either $819 or $869
I do not know what MSRP will be. I will once I get it, though. Originally their rep told them not until November... they have them on order so it...
I got a phone call from one of the guys at my dealer because he knows I want one. Their rep called and said they would be getting 4 at the end of...
Stihl MS400
Didn’t ask. I am anticipating spending around $900. I will update once I get it.
I like the 550 so much, I picked up a 562. I ran the 362 for the first time in at least 2 years yesterday so I can have a decent comparison to...
I got a call yesterday from my dealer that they will have 4 on Friday and did I still want one. uh, yeah. As my luck goes, I just picked up a...
I have a 261 V2. It is, or was my primary deck saw until the 550xp showed up. A buddy of mine prefers Husky and Ive been a Stihl guy forever so I...
Finally got into the wood yard. Tree service wood has started to show up. 1 load of hard maple and 2 loads of locust. Filled 5 bags today and a...
Thank you.