Look into bags next time. The initial cost is a bit of a hit, but they are 1/3 the price of a tote and hold a face cord. You do need lift capacity...
I have a "used once or twice" 20" Husky bar and I think I can scrape up a new Stihl or Oregon Chisel chain to go with this...
$850 cash local, $900 plus shipping via paypal goods and services.
[ATTACH] I have a new in box 572 that will come with a full wrap handle in addition to the standard. PHO
Also keep in mind, with supply being limited, dont expect a dealer to come off MSRP. In the same breath as a dealer may not be able to get ahold...
Stock 400 pulls a 24" bar fine.
And a funny.... Its been so long since Ive looked into my saw locker, when I opened the lid and looked at the saws.... I have them arranged by...
Finally got back in the wood yard after a couple set backs. A fair bit of odd tree service wood to break down. After a couple hours with the...
So you have to always consider this…. Cats eat smoke. So the longer you let the fire go Before turning it down, will generate a lot of smoke...
I read the first page, and then jumped to the end. When my BK is ready for a reload, Ill open the thermostat and get the coals going, with the...
Turns out I never followed the direction to remove the plug in the tank breather. I always wondered what that sticker meant. [IMG] Sent from...
You say the cat is closed.... The bypass should be open for cold starts. And Open for reloading. Are you building a small, hot fire or are you...
The Belt Buckle, if you will.
Were still surrounded by corn as well. It doesn't look good for the farmers.
Maybe just a bad batch of hydraulic oil. I'm irritated, but not mad. Things happen.
Well.... After being laid up for the last 2 weeks from knee surgery, and getting by for the 3 months previous in much pain before the surgery, I...
50 cord wouldn't be too bad. Manageable.
Its moving as fast... or I should say as slow as I want it to. I dont work well in the heat and its been hot this summer. I seem to be catering...
I did not spray it with anything to help it bind back together. I dont feel like that's a good idea from an environmental stand point. I thought...
The stuff right off the mill is much better than the double ground, screened stuff people pay for. I had 200 tons of crushed asphalt hauled in the...