Good...Just a touch of beer flu. How's you?
To far to walk.. jazzy ain't charged...
Hi again...[emoji38]
Momma's probably limiting his interweb time...
We could cut Wadneys firewood into cookies![emoji41]
Lol thought you might've got bored...
Lol good. How many miles did you jog today?
Sup Gazer?
Gotcha. I noticed that with the dominant piston. Looking forward to hearing/seeing more about this 346 piston.
Noticable difference from stock?? How much compression increase?
No problem
Pot... kettle...
Yeah grab it. Could be a really cool sleeper.
Yeah but you gotta have the 350 base. I have a spare if you ever want to go that route.
Good n you? Lol
I'm good. How's Dallas?