I looked at modding the stock muffler but I found I can buy a modded muffler on ebay for cheap. This means if I do have to cut when its dry and...
This is the way. No round left behind.
That's how I do it in the field. It is so much easier in the vice.
That looks like fun! I like Echos, they sure are well made.
It must be different from our Blue Oak, that smells kinda like cat pizz.
The shed looks great and the wood is so perfect it almost looks artificial, like it was AI generated. Nice work!
What a setup! :thumbs::dex::thumbs::dex:
Excellent choice! 372's are great saws and yours will be like new.
Exactly. My BMX bike was my ticket to freedom. I could go several miles away. I grew up on the edge of suburbia. Farm land was transitioning to...
JC Whitney was great reading. How they got away so long with those illustrations instead of photos for so long I don't know. I would imagine how...
I remember that thread, thanks for bringing it around to today. Those rounds produced beautiful straight splits. Remember, you handled the...
Wow, it's been four years? Take in these years all you can.
That looks like a very good day.
Similar day here. Split wood for half a day and cleaned out the barn to roll in the '74 K10 for sheet metal repair. That's great you got everyone...
I split with the YardMax splitter for one tank today and set a new record of 4hrs on one tank. A lot of the time I was thinking about the...
Winner winner!
I can hear the crack of the wood when splitting in those temps just looking at that picture. At least there is no mud!
I just remembered, mom did some S&H stamps but I think more of the Blue Chip stamps. Same deal, different company. Anyone remember Blue Chip?...
Fixing it, genuine Husky. All better now :D [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Umm. Ummm. Guilty :loco: :crazy::loco: :crazy::loco: :crazy: