Just read a bit about it, terrible news.
Last year we had chicks in a brooder box in the chicken coop and ran a heat lamp all winter. The hens laid a decent number of eggs that winter. I...
Poor saw, it was run hard and not cared for. Will be nice to have a "new" 372!
Good that you are keeping it oem. The aftermarket stuff is better than it has ever been but factory is better!
That's me right now. We had no rain in January until the 29th. Hasn't stopped since. I'm climbing the walls and we are forecasted 10 days of this...
That's good news! We are looking for a home health care for a relative and it is so tough! Good to know you found good people.
That's how I get the fire pit going and I didn't even think of it! Doh!
That's how I finally got it lit. I tossed some mix gas into the gallon of diesel.
Oh man that's classic!
The quicker the fire gets hot the less smoke, I like!
In my state they would lock me away forever! Ha ha ha!
I have ten gallons of used motor oil and never thought of using some of it to start the brush on fire.
With three boys and living in the country we gave up and bought Speed Queen after going through washers and dryers every couple of years. 8 years...
Stores around here have run out of eggs each week for the last three weeks. Not sure what is going on. My 11 birds are laying 3 eggs a day so as...
Nice setup there! Everything is at hand, minimum moving around of the firewood.
Lots of ideas here thank you! I am going to try that torch idea, will put one together to soak this weekend.
That's a lot of firewood in a small area. Looks great!
I'd buy that!
That last pic looks like my grinder, it is a Northern? The chain vice looks like nice upgrade!
I cut some downed limbs and set a brush pile on fire before the rains hit. The saw was a blast to use! Question for everyone- how do you get a...